Favorite Music

this is a list of my favorite bands and my favorite songs of theirs!! by no means is this every band/song i enjoy but these are some of my top picks! this page is always a wip and will update when i find cool new music!


honestly i rarely find people who Dont like mitski so i am boring for this but I Dont Care. her music is so so important to me emotionally and it all just sounds so etherially beautiful and emotional!! listen to mitski thanks

  • A Burning Hill - Puberty 2
  • Last Words of a Shooting Star - Bury Me At Makeout Creek
  • This Is A Life - Everything Everywhere All At Once
  • Stay Soft - Laurel Hell
  • Nobody - Be The Cowboy


YES im mentally ill YES im gay and trans and YES i listen to lemon demon YES i am the sterotype and YES im having a great time. this man has made and done everything ever and i love 99% of it

  • Every song on the album Spirit Phone
  • Amnesia Was Her Name - View-Monster
  • Goosebumps - Nature Tapes
  • Christmas Will Be Soon - I Am Become Christmas
  • My Trains - Nature Tapes


im putting jakey high on my page in hopes that more people will listen to him. i love this mans youtube (NakeyJakey) and his music is just as superb If Not Even More So. stream jakey thank you

  • Saintlike
  • Not Dead Yet
  • Moby Dick
  • Medium
  • All of his album ROMCOM but especially Drive Off A Bridge, Pine Barrens and Survival Horror thank you <3


AAAAAA GORILLAZ!! this band was my first like Band Special Interest and it is so dear to my heart. i feel about the gorillaz the way many middle aged dads feel about their favorite bands. if damon and jamie try any more nft bullshit i am going to chase them with a cartoonishly big hammer

  • Plastic Beach - Plastic Beach
  • Rhinestone Eyes - Plastic Beach
  • On Melancholy Hill - Plastic Beach
  • DARE - Demon Days
  • Feel Good Inc. - Demon Days


i was a late bloomer (aka like 16 years old) to mcr because i felt like i wasn't Cool Enough to enjoy their music but they're absolutely one of my favorite bands of all time and the fact that they're touring together again brings me nothing but joy. gerard way ily

  • DESTROYA - Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys
  • Desert Song - Life on the Murder Scene
  • Welcome to The Black Parade - The Black Parade
  • Vampire Money - Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys
  • Helena - Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge


im new to radiohead but i am absolutely in love, both the lyrics and the instrumentals give each song such a precise emotion and tone and they've quickly become a very dear favorite of mine. also all their music videos slap

  • No Surprises - OK Computer
  • How to Disappear Completely - Kid A
  • I Might Be Wrong - Amnesiac
  • I Promise - OK Computer OKNOTOK

made by auden! ❤ 2022-2024