wow. i know i start so many of these with some sort of, "it's been a minute, hasn't it?" opener, but it really has been a minute, huh? how are you doing? i'm sure a lot has changed since i was here last!
im gonna start with the obligatory reason for why i was gone for so long. so, i semi-silently dropped this 2.0 revamp of my site (which i love, by the way! the half-rounded containers feel so fun to me, same with the drop shadows, and using iframes makes general upkeep so much nicer.) but why silently? originally, i planned to write this big fun blog post about everything i had been up to that winter in addition to a bunch of fun changes i had planned for the site. i was uploading pictures for the blog post, writing everything out, getting super excited for this new chapter, when suddenly... any new image i put into a blog post stopped working.
i was so confused - what was wrong? why was it acting like the links or images were broken?? i convinced myself the issue was something to do with a photo of the christmas tree my roommates and i had decorated. it saved as a strange filetype originally because it was from an old digicam (more on that later). i felt silly for thinking one photo could have corrupted everything so badly, but it really felt like there were no other options.
i frantically googled things like "iframes images broken" and "vscode iframe cache"(???) in an attempt to find anything about this random issue i was having across all devices and code editing softwares, but to no avail. the strangest thing was, if i linked to one of these new images anywhere else on my website, they would show up just fine! i rewrote my whole website line by line thinking that the code itself was somehow corrupted!! i was a madman!! this hiccup felt so small and so big at the same time that it completely killed all motivation and energy i had towards the update. since the last time i updated, i tried here and there to solve the issue, but nothing seemed to work.
we cut to now, the very day that i'm writing this. i get back from my shift as a school tour guide. my interest in my website has been stirred up again from seeing other peoples awesome creations on neocities and nekoweb. "i'm going to figure this out", i tell myself. i start changing file paths, uploading and reuploading photos, eventually resorting to deleting bits of code a piece at a time to find the issue...
... was a <base> tag.
the culprit!
i deleted it, and suddenly, all of my images appeared. i couldn't beleive it at first. i went to another blog entry and deleted the tag from there, and once again, all of the images started working. fuck yes!!! finally!!
i write all of this here to give an accurate look into what it's like coding a website when you only know the bare essentials. something as small as one misplaced tag or poorly placed div can send everything into a tailspin. everyone should make a website, i'm a firm beleiver in that, but be ready to feel really, really stupid!
so, what's happened since last time? unfortunately, a lot. like, so much that i could never really fit it in a single blog post. now that things are in working order, you'll be hearing a lot from me, so i'll be able to go over more things in detail later on. that said, here's a bulleted list of some highlights:
theres probably more i'm not able to think of right now, but if it's important it'll come up sometime soon. a smaller bulleted lists of things im interested in and excited about right now:
well, i guess that's all from me for now. expect blogposts soon about new site updates and experiments, projects, and the general goings-on of my life!
take care, and see you soon!